Infinite Light [BLRR-EN029] Secret Rare

Yu-Gi-Oh! SKU: ygo-1372-1E-1

R$ 3,00 BRL

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Title: Near Mint 1st Edition
Near Mint 1st Edition

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Set: Battles of Legend: Relentless Revenge
Card type: Continuous Trap
Rarity: Secret Rare
Activate by sending 1 face-up "Infinite Machine" in your Spell & Trap Zone to the GY. Cannot be destroyed by an opponent's card effect. Neither player can target "Timelord" monsters you control with card effects, also they cannot be returned to the Deck. Once per turn, if you control no monsters: You can Special Summon "Timelord" monsters each from your hand, Deck, and GY, with different names, ignoring the Summoning conditions.