Rarity: Common
Card Number: BT12-060 C
Type: N/A
Color: Black
Play Cost: 3
Card Text
[Digivolve: 0 from Lv.2 w/[Save] in text]
[On Deletion] [Save] (You may place this card under one of your Tamers.)
[On Deletion] [Save] (You may place this card under one of your Tamers.)
Inherited Effect
[Opponent's Turn] While this Digimon has [Save] in its text, it gains [Blocker].
Illustrator: TANIMESO
Set: Across Time
Printing: Normal
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R$ 19,99 BRL | R$ 24,99 BRL
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R$ 19,99 BRL | R$ 24,99 BRL
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R$ 19,99 BRL | R$ 24,99 BRL
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