Gotsumon (X Antibody) - P-144 (Store Tournament 2024 Jul. - Sep. Participation Pack) [P-144 P] [Digimon Promotion Cards]

Product Type: Digimon Single Vendor: Bandai
SKU: dgmn_gotsumonxantibodyp144storetournament2024julsepparticipationpack_P-144 P_normal_557343_8016591

R$ 3,00 BRL

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Condition: Near Mint
Near Mint

Only 8 left!

QR Code
Rarity: Promo
Card Number: P-144 P
Type: N/A
Color: Black
Play Cost: 4

Card Text

[[Digivolve] [Gotsumon]: Cost 0]
[Your Turn] This Digimon can't attack without [Gotsumon] or [X Antibody] in its digivolution cards.
[Opponent's Turn] [Once Per Turn] When attack targets change, 1 of your Digimon with [Blocker] may unsuspend.

Inherited Effect

[All Turns] All of your Digimon with [Blocker] get +1000 DP.
Illustrator: koki
Set: Digimon Promotion Cards
Printing: Normal