Rarity: Rare
Card Number: BT6-077 R
Type: N/A
Color: Purple
Play Cost: 7
Card Text
[When Digivolving] You may trash 1 card in your hand to have this Digimon gain "Blocker" (When an opponent's Digimon attacks, you may suspend this Digimon to force the opponent to attack it instead) and "Retaliation" (When this Digimon is deleted after losing a battle, delete the Digimon it was battling) until the end of your opponent's next turn.
[All Turns] This Digimon is also treated as black.
[All Turns] This Digimon is also treated as black.
Set: Double Diamond Pre-Release Cards
Printing: Foil
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R$ 19,99 BRL | R$ 24,99 BRL
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R$ 19,99 BRL | R$ 24,99 BRL
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R$ 19,99 BRL | R$ 24,99 BRL
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