Green Memory Boost! (Resurgence Booster Reprint) [P-038] [Resurgence Booster] Foil

Product Type: Digimon Single Vendor: Digimon
SKU: dgm-p-038-f

R$ 4,00 BRL

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Title: Near Mint
Near Mint

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Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Add 1 green Digimon card among them to your hand. Place the remaining cards at the bottom of your deck in any order. Then, place this card in your battle area.


(Trash this card in your battle area to activate the effect below. You can't activate this effect the turn this card enters play.)
• Gain 2 memory.
Rarity: Promo
Number: P-038
Colors: Green
Rarity: 3
Security Effect: Place this card in its owner's battle area.
Origin: Resurgence Booster